The great news is that making cold brew tea is incredibly simple. All you have to do is place some tea leaves in water at room temperature and allow them to steep for a minimum of 8 hours or even overnight. When you wake up the next morning, you'll be greeted with a delightful and refreshing drink to start your day!
普洱茶又稱為「黑茶」,與綠茶、紅茶不同的是,它是一種後發酵茶,經過濕熱反應、氧化反應,並且有黑麴黴(Aspergillus niger)這類微生物的參與,讓茶韻風味在時間進程中不斷轉變,具有愈陳愈香的特性。
Discover the wonders of persimmons with this moist and flavorful persimmon cake recipe. Made with fresh persimmons, this dessert is a perfect treat for fall and winter.