Greek Mountain Tea 希臘有機高山茶 (Sideritis Scardica) - MoreTea Hong Kong
Greek Mountain Tea 希臘有機高山茶 (Sideritis Scardica) - MoreTea Hong Kong
Greek Mountain Tea 希臘有機高山茶 (Sideritis Scardica) - MoreTea Hong Kong
Greek Mountain Tea 希臘有機高山茶 (Sideritis Scardica) - MoreTea Hong Kong
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Greek Mountain Tea 希臘有機高山茶 (Sideritis Scardica) - MoreTea Hong Kong

Greek Mountain Tea 希臘有機高山茶 (Sideritis Scardica)

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What is Mountain Tea   什麼是希臘高山茶?

Mountain tea, also called ironwart or shepherd’s tea, is known since ancient times for its extraordinary virtues. Mountain tea is traditionally used in Balkan and Mediterranean countries as herbal tea. It is rich in flavonoids. Ironwort has been traditionally used to aid digestion, strengthen the immune system and suppress common cold, the flu and other viruses, allergies and shortness of breath, sinus congestion, even pain and mild anxiety.

希臘高山花草茶,僅少量產於希臘小島的山上,最先被稱為“Shepherd’s Tea /牧羊人之茶”。由於它有輕微緩解頭痛、消化不良、預防感冒的功效,尤其在冬天飲用暖身抗寒,是古代牧羊人不可或缺的天然聖品。自古是歐洲家庭常備飲品。希臘高山茶有超過300個品種。

Health benefits 健康功效

Rich in flavonoids. Researches have shown Sideritis aids digestion, strengthens the immune system, fights colds, flus and relieves stress. Caffine-free.



Sideritis Scardica from Mt. Olympus

Grown on upper slopes of Mount Olympus (altitude 900m). The light and woody aroma will remind you of the wild Greek hillsides. Best served straight with some organic honey. Or, for a Hong Kong local twist, brewed with Lychee infused red tea with honey to taste. 

希臘高山茶本身帶有淡淡清甜的花香與大地的草香,飲用起來風味頗佳,感受到放鬆與舒緩。可以按個人喜好加蜂蜜或者檸檬。 Sideritis Scardica採自愛琴海塞爾邁北岸的奧林匹斯山。全株有絨毛,入口清甜、帶有大地草香和淡淡花香。

More Tea Ltd's Greek Mountain Tea 續茶香港的希臘高山茶

Our Greek family farm has been cultivating Sideritis for more than 3 generations. Each steams are hand-picked by our farmers and dried naturally. DIO certified organic.


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